
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tomorrow a woman is getting a baptism for her baby that will soon be aborted.

Why? I don’t know. She’s Catholic, and believes the baby needs to be baptized. There are a few reasons I can think of: the baby won’t survive outside the womb or will cost the mother her life. Maybe there are reasons I can’t even fathom because I am not this woman. She’s Catholic, and there are none of her faith to minister to her. If the baby will die, if the woman will die, it doesn’t matter to the church, they won’t baptize the baby because it’s being aborted.
A Catholic priest won’t be there, but God will be there. People always ask why bad things happen if there is an all-powerful God in charge, but in the bad things God is there. We too often think that there always needs to be a cause and effect for things to exist, (if God is there, then he should do something about it!) but God is indefinably there, getting this woman through this experience by promising her that even if she couldn’t have the child, God will have her. And that’s a solace nothing else can offer.
It seems to me that Jesus was the one who comforted everyone and showed them how to love through their tragedies. To shun a woman who asks for a baptism at a time of great need is a mockery of what it means to be a Christian


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